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The adverse effects of severe constipation on our bodies. 본문


The adverse effects of severe constipation on our bodies.

☆★○●◎ 2021. 1. 13. 23:57

In winter, many people suffer from severe constipation as their activity decreases. Without seeing the bowel movement for a long time, the pain of swelling inside and pain in the lower abdomen continues to be felt, which only those who have experienced it can see. If left unattended, such constipation will develop into chronic constipation and cause a number of adverse effects on the body, which in severe cases can lead to colon disease. Find out the bad effects of constipation below on your body and work hard for healthy bowel activities.

1. hemorrhoids

Long bowel movements due to constipation increase pressure in the anus and blood in the surrounding tissues, which can cause the brachial nucleus, which protects the sphincter, to escape from the sphincter.

2. Degradation of immunity

When constipation occurs, feces stay in the intestines and produce toxins. The toxin circulates around the body in blood, making cells weak and sick, reducing immunity.

3. Abdominal swelling, abdominal swelling

If the mobility of the stomach decreases, the food that needs to be digested and discharged from the stomach stays for a long time, causing excessive gas, making the stomach full and the abdomen expand. Severe cases can lead to chronic indigestion.

4. Skin trouble

If the feces are not excreted on time and stay in the intestines for a long time, it becomes a hangover. In this situation, a large amount of toxic gas is generated and discharged into the body, and the toxin that has not escaped from the outside spreads through the blood vessels and has a bad effect on various organs. In particular, it is released through the skin, causing skin problems such as pimples and freckles.

5. Blood circulation

Constipation can be cited as a lack of intestinal beneficial bacteria, poor eating habits, and lack of exercise, which can also cause turbid blood. Sitting in the bathroom for a long time with constipation increases blood pressure and increases cholesterol as no cholesterol is released in the blood.

6. Chronic headache

There are many kinds of germs in the colon, and if the feces stay for a long time, the decaying bacteria breed and produce bad gases. Hazardous gases cannot go outside and are absorbed into the body, which moves upward, causing headaches and dizziness.

7. Drunken breath

Chronic constipation causes indigestion because toxic gases are not released into farts and are full of intestines, accompanied by the smell and breath of digestive organs.
