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6 adult diseases caused by lack of sleep 본문


6 adult diseases caused by lack of sleep

☆★○●◎ 2020. 12. 21. 22:09

These days, there are many people who stay up late without sleeping. I often stay up late at night, like lying on my bed with my smartphone or watching TV.

Especially, I think our country people tend to do that. If you come back from work late, you don't have much personal life, so that's why you tend to do that.

The average adult sleeps six to eight hours. Let's not keep our teeth and learn about the diseases that can occur if we lack sleep.


1. Diabetes


If you can't sleep well and lack enough, your chances of getting diabetes are three to four times higher than those who slept well. The secretion of insulin and retin causes diabetes.


2. Heart disease


If you don't sleep more than 6 hours a day on average, you have a 40-50% higher chance of developing a heart disease. Especially if you have symptoms of sleep apnea, the probability is higher. It can cause heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, etc. by putting stress on the heart.


3. Stroke


When you lack sleep and you don't sleep well, the stress hormone cortisul is secreted. This increases the risk of stroke and increases blood pressure. But even if you sleep too much, you can get a stroke. The appropriate time is between six and eight hours.


4. Dementia


If you can't sleep, your memory declines. Melatonin is what keeps brain cells from dying. Dementia comes as melatonin decreases due to lack of sleep.


5. Osteoporosis


Sleep can also affect osteoporosis. It can be easy to fracture by lowering bone density and weakening bone function.


6. Cancer Occurrence


Our bodies have autonomic nerves, sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves. You can say that it's healthy when it's in harmony. Lack of sleep can lead to more development of sympathetic nerves, which can further increase the incidence of cancer and promote aging.
