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Calcium and vitamin D for your bone health...How about exercise? 본문


Calcium and vitamin D for your bone health...How about exercise?

☆★○●◎ 2020. 12. 19. 22:38

Many people over middle age experience osteoporosis. This is why people should pay more attention to bone health and preventive measures. 


According to domestic statistics, 30 to 40 percent of women over 50 years old and 10 percent of men experience osteoporosis. Two-thirds of elderly women in their 70s show osteoporosis. 


Osteoporosis is a disease that causes holes in the bones. As bone strength weakens, bone can break even in common shocks that occur in daily life.




You need to take calcium well to keep your bones healthy. The average amount of calcium consumed by Koreans is 490fi per day, far below the recommended level of 1,200fi. In particular, 60 percent of men in their 80s and 70 percent of women eat less than 400 kilograms of calcium a day. 


Calcium is high in milk and dairy products, bungeoppos and anchovies, and can be consumed through some green vegetables and fruits. When it is not easy to supplement with food, take calcium. Recently, there have been reports that excessive calcium intake increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and causes kidney stones, so counseling with medical staff should be preceded by elderly patients or patients with impaired kidney function. 


Lack of vitamin D can also lead to osteoporosis. When the standard for vitamin D deficiency is below the serum 25(OH)D 20ng/mL, the ratio of vitamin D deficiency in Korea is 47.3% for men and 64.5% for women. Based on 30 ng/mL, it increases to 86.8% and 93.3% respectively.




Adults over 50 can prevent osteoporosis by supplementing 800 to 1,000 IU of vitamin D per day. Vitamin D is mostly produced in sun-infrared rays, so exposure to sunlight for about 30 minutes a day is important. If you are in a situation where you can't get enough sunlight, take it through food and supplements. Comprehensive vitamins containing 200-400IU of vitamin D are recommended.


Vitamin D is also associated with the risk of falling. Patients with a base vitamin D concentration of less than 25 ng/mL can expect improvement in military muscle just by supplementing vitamin D, and constant supplementation of vitamin D of 700 to 1,000 IU per day can reduce the risk of falling by about 20%.


Exercise therapy is also very important. In order to maintain bone density, exercise that requires weight load is effective. Walking or running rather than swimming or cycling helps maintain bone density in the legs and spine. Weightlifting can increase bone density in the arms, legs, and spine, but there is a high risk of injury, so be careful.




On the contrary, some sports should be avoided. You should refrain from exercising the thoracic spine and lumbar spine a lot, for example bending the waist forward or backward. "To prevent osteoporosis, it is important to conduct bone density tests regularly and maintain bone strength through proper exercise and nutrition," the association said. "You should avoid high sodium foods, instant foods, soft drinks, coffee and excessive meat that increase calcium excretion."

