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Five Habits to Protect Your "Intestinal health" and Prevent "Colorectal cancer" 본문


Five Habits to Protect Your "Intestinal health" and Prevent "Colorectal cancer"

☆★○●◎ 2020. 12. 17. 22:22




Experts point out, "People who are exposed to late-night meat dinners, drinking, smoking, lack of exercise, and stress are exposed to colorectal cancer, regardless of age or sex."


At the same time, it is also advised that having the right lifestyle can protect the health of the colon. Based on the opinions of experts, we will learn the lifestyle of protecting the health of the colon.



1. A glass of water first thing in the morning


The best time to defecate is right after breakfast. When food comes into our bodies, the fecal materials piled up in our colon move to the workplace, and the stimulus is transmitted to the cerebral cortex, resulting in the desire to defecate.


This is called the gastric-colon reflex, the strongest after breakfast. It is recommended to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning to naturally induce bowel movements.


Milk is also good if water is not suitable. If a toxic substance mixed with feces stimulates the colon for a long time due to poor bowel movements, the risk of colorectal cancer increases.



2. Side dishes are vegetables and desserts are fruits


Let's eat more than 200g of vegetables and fruits a day. Two fruits the size of a baseball, two plates of vegetables, and a plate of vegetables are about 200 grams each. The darker the color of fruit and vegetables, the richer the antioxidants are, preventing carcinogens.


Different colors have different cancer inhibitors such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, anthocyanin, and folic acid, so it is better to eat vegetables and fruits of different colors evenly. Some studies show that consuming enough folic acid reduces the risk of colorectal cancer and colon polyps by 40 to 60 percent.



3. Move after meals.


Stress itself increases the risk of colorectal cancer. Moreover, Korean men are more likely to develop colorectal cancer because they relieve stress by drinking and smoking.


If you're an office worker, go out of the office building after lunch and take a walk in the sun for at least 20 minutes. Sunlight with stress relief can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer due to vitamin D that is naturally produced in the body.



4. The company dinner menu focuses on chicken and fish.


Red meat (red meat) produces nitrosomal compounds, a carcinogen, in the digestive process. Iron contained in red meat is digested and also turned into an iron ion, a carcinogen, which can increase the risk of colorectal cancer if eaten too often and too much.


If you are eating red meat more than once a week, it is better to include white meat or fish such as chicken in the company dinner menu.



5. Exercise until you sweat after work.


Let's work out to the point where we sweat when we get home. Jogging, walking, and jumping rope around the house are good. Exercise promotes bowel movement to prevent constipation, and strengthens the immune system to prevent colorectal cancer.


A study from the United States found that regular exercise lowers the risk of colon cancer by 30 percent.
