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Six Signals Could Be Gast Cancer 본문


Six Signals Could Be Gast Cancer

☆★○●◎ 2020. 12. 16. 21:20

1. Unprovoked Weight Loss

As the trend is to prefer slim figures, it is easy to think that losing weight is good for your health. But losing weight without any special diet effort can be a sign of stomach cancer. One of the early major symptoms of stomach cancer is unknown weight loss. For this reason, if you change your eating habits, such as how much you eat, or if you lose weight without any exercise therapy, you need to see a specialist.

2. Frequent stomachaches

One of the reasons why stomach cancer is dangerous is that the symptoms are similar to common gastrointestinal diseases such as nausea, making it difficult to recognize.

However, if the stomach condition continues for a long time after eating, it may not be a food-related disease. In this case, it is better to see a specialist.

3. Fullness

If you don't eat a lot, but you always feel full, it can be an early symptom of stomach cancer. It may be a sign of stomach cancer if you start eating and you don't feel like eating any more.

4. Heartburn

Backflow of gastric acid is a common symptom of people. Eating fried or seasoned foods can cause heartburn and indigestion along with stomach acid reflux.
Backflow of gastric acid or heartburn can be easily cured by taking medicine. However, if these symptoms persist for a long time, they may be stomach cancer. If heartburn continues and the medicine does not treat you well, you need to see a doctor.


5. Frequent vomiting

If you vomit once or twice a month unintentionally, you need to be diagnosed. In particular, if blood is mixed up when vomiting, it may be a sign of stomach cancer.

6. Severe pain in the stomach

Severe pain in the abdomen that surrounds the navel is different from a normal stomachache. Symptoms of swelling and swelling of the stomach and body fluid along with pain can occur when stomach cancer occurs.
