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If you're afraid of dementia, there are six things you must do. 본문


If you're afraid of dementia, there are six things you must do.

☆★○●◎ 2020. 12. 24. 22:53

Alzheimer's disease, the most common degenerative brain disease that causes dementia, is a serious disease with 27 million patients worldwide. There is no known cure for Alzheimer's disease. The best policy is to practice effective prevention.

I will introduce 6 ways to prevent dementia below.


1. Be sociable.


Studies show that a lot of social activities in middle age can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. People are apt to feel lonely as they get older. Especially if you have problems with your memory, it becomes worse.


Experts say that cognitive activities, including social interactions, reduce the risk of dementia. "It is a good way to prevent dementia by participating in meetings with family members or friends and actively participating in club activities that share hobbies."


2. Eat blue-backed fish often.


Fish-rich omega-3 fatty acids slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that DHA, one of three forms of omega-3 fatty acids, plays this role. Not only mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, salmon, trout, and sardines, but walnuts and eggs also contain omega-3 fatty acids.


3. Play brain games.


Studies have shown that there is a link between keeping the brain active and preventing dementia. The research team analyzed the participants in the experiment on how much brain stimulation activity they did over a long period of time and the causes of Alzheimer's disease. As a result, the risk of Alzheimer's disease was greatly reduced by brain stimulation activities such as number puzzle games, horizontal word matching, and short digital games. Also, playing video or computer games has a good effect.


4. Meditate.


After meditating for about 12 minutes a day for two months, the blood circulation of the elderly improved. This improves blood flow to the brain. According to a study, Alzheimer's patients were given regular meditation for two months, and cognitive tests performed much better. Meditation also helps reduce stress and control emotions and moods.


5. Get a good night's sleep.


If you sleep well at night, melatonin is secreted properly, preventing the formation of amyloid. Melatonin does not remove the amyloid, but it is essential to prevent it from a long-term perspective. You should go to bed at the same time and get a good night's sleep for at least seven hours.


6. Reduce sugar intake.


Some scientists classify Alzheimer's as type 3 diabetes. Insulin is directly related to brain function and can cause insulin resistance if consumed excess sugar. Insulin resistance to brain cells can lead to amyloid formation and Alzheimer's disease. You should develop a habit of eating foods with low blood sugar levels.

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