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A way out of depression 본문


A way out of depression

☆★○●◎ 2020. 12. 26. 22:56



Low mood or depressing symptoms are common problems in almost all ages. However, if you are suffering from depression, loss of enthusiasm, etc., you need to think again about what you usually eat. Studies have shown that daily food and lifestyle have a significant impact on the mood. Studies show that people with depression choose foods that can make the symptoms worse.

Fortunately, however, there are many foods that make you smile and make you feel incredibly good. These foods are rich in nutrients and help the body produce neurotransmitters that improve mood. Nutritionist and chef Christine Bailey introduced six mood-enhancing eating methods based on a recently published book called "The Brain Boost Diet."


1. Avoid processed foods


The quickest way to improve your mood immediately is to avoid blood sugar imbalance. This means avoiding refined carbohydrates, white starch powder, fruit juice, and sugary smoothies, and instead eating lean protein, healthy fatty fish, avocado, olives, nuts, and vegetables rich in antioxidants.


2. Get out of your phobia.


Sixty percent of the brain is fat, including phospholipids and omega-3 fatty acids. Lack of healthy fat has a bad effect on concentration and mood. Healthy fats come from olive oil, coconut oil, and omega-3 fats. Extra-virgin olive oil is rich in polyphenols and single unsaturated fatty acids, which protect brain cells and reduce inflammation. The mesenchymal fatty acids (MCTs) in coconut oil improve brain function. Fish such as mackerel, sardines and salmon, and many omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts and tooth seeds help to improve mood and prevent depression.


3. Drink green tea.


It is better to drink green tea when you are stressed. Green tea contains antioxidants such as L-Teanine and Catechin, which improves concentration and lowers stress responses.


4. Take vitamin D foods.


Lack of vitamin D is associated with depression and mood degradation. Vitamin D, which is usually obtained through the sun, is likely to be insufficient in winter. At this time, it is recommended to supplement vitamin D through foods or supplements such as mushrooms, animal liver, egg yolks, and milk products.


5. Put fermented foods into your diet.


Many recent studies have highlighted the importance of intestinal bacteria. Augmenting beneficial bacteria in the intestines can help relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and improve mood. These fermented foods include yogurt, kimchi, soybean paste soup, kepier, a type of fermented oil, sauerkraut, a German-style kimchi, and kombucha, a fermented drink of black tea mushrooms.


6. Take magnesium.


When you are stressed, exercising regularly, or eating a lot of alcohol or sugary food, you often lack magnesium in your body. Magnesium acts as a powerful relaxant, which is effective when stress, anxiety, and sleep are poor.

